
Jam Reading Challenge

In my wonderful time searching the internet this week, I came across a very interesting challenge found here. If you would like to enter her challenge feel free, but I am going to offer up the same challenge. The rules will be the same and found below however once you are completed the book I would like to receive a short review (about half a page max) about the book to place into a binder for everyone.

Here are the Rules:

1. Challenge runs from January 1 through December 31, 2008.

2. Choose 8 categories of your own that you would like to read 8 books EACH in.

3. You will be allowed 8 overlaps, for a total of 56 unique book titles.

4. You may overlap these 56 titles with any other challenge.

5. You may change your list or your categories at any time.

6. Post a comment here that you are participating, and I will add your selections to the challenge. Request an invite including your e-mail address if you want to post your list to this blog. However, we will NOT be writing reviews here! You may update your lists by emailing me to books you have finished. Please use your name as a label, along with the book categories you're reading from.

7. Check back here to see who is participating and cheer others on.

8. Participants who complete all 56 books will be in the running for a glorious prize to be named later!!

9. Have fun reading!

I have not finished my list, but here it is so far:

Graphic Novels:
Frank Miller, “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns”
Neil Adams: Batman Illustrated Vol. 1
Ministry Books:
Sexy Girls: How Hot is Too Hot: Hayley DiMarco
Technical Virgin: How Far is Too Far: Hayley DiMarco
The Parables of Peanuts: Charles M. Schultz, Robert L. Short
The Pirate's Dilemma: How Youth Culture Is Reinventing Capitalism, Matt Mason
Dan Kimball, “They Like Jesus but Not the Church”
Personal Growth Books:
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life: Donald S. Whitney
Business/Leadership Books:
Wikinomics: How mass colaberation Changes everything, Anthony D. Williams
Called to be God's Leader: Lessons from the Life of Joshua, Blackaby and Blackaby
Technical Virgin: How Far is Too Far: Hayley DiMarco
AlternaDad: Neil Pollack
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life: Donald S. Whitney
Books made into Movies:
I haven't chosen yet...
Just for Fun:
Kevin Smith, My Boring ...
God is Dead, Ron Currie
Proof of the Illuminati, Seth Payson
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
Our God's Wear Spandex: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes
Kevin Smith, My Boring ...
(Red means I have read them this year already).

If you have any questions or comments about topics or books, email (or comment below) and I would be glad to help. This is open to students and parents, so join up and let's share the knowledge.

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