Hey Everyone
We are continuing with Girl/Guy Talk this Friday in Founder’s Hall. We are meeting from 7-9 p.m., so come expecting a good fun time.
Also, if you are interested the Disciple Experiment devotions are available for you to do with either one of your leaders or with your parents. Come see me for more details.
Look forward to seeing all of you Friday night and remember to come with your Bible, pen, notebooks and stories from the long weekend.
Jam Night
Posted by
A. Clarke
5/22/2008 03:34:00 PM
Does anyone have or use Twitter? Could this be the best way for The Jam to communicate with each other? I am going to join up and learn a little bit more about this, but until I figure more of this out have a look at the following video.
Posted by
A. Clarke
5/20/2008 10:46:00 AM
Ark found in Tampa Bay
The Following is a stroy from Tampa Bay Online:
The arklike building across from Dinosaur World has been attracting the attention of passing motorists since construction started last year. It's not clear what kind of a business the building will house once construction is done. For that matter, it's not clear when work will wrap up.
The owner, George Hansen of New York City, said in a brief interview that he originally planned it as a war memorial. "But there are a lot of unanswered questions and I'm just not ready to discuss the project at this time," he said.
The building wasn't modeled after the biblical ark, even though the resemblance is striking. Even Hansen's designer said he's heard it called that.
"People call it the ark, for obvious reasons," said Edrahim Mehrani, owner of DCI Solutions in Lutz. "But we are not sure what the final use will be. The building is up for lease, and the tenant will make the final decision."
Posted by
A. Clarke
5/08/2008 11:34:00 AM
What's Next
We finished Beautiful Consistency and learned of the amazing gifts that come with our faith. We learned in the last lesson that all area of our life with Jesus can be broken down into the four creature lessons of Agur. We need to be prepared to follow Him and make decisions with the future in mind. Also, living a life that is close to God gives us a strong foundation that keeps us safe and lifts us up when we need a boost. Living a life in a Jesus based community is essential for growth, mentorship and fellowship that keeps our eyes fixed on Jesus. Lastly, we need to persevere. Times can get tough, but Jesus is there and when we get through the tough times we only become stronger. So, the question becomes what's next.
Rob Bell explains it nicely by saying that "you need to be covered by the dust of your Rabbi (which in our case is Jesus)."
That is a tough challenge, but after learning about our faith and what it takes to act on that faith, this is where we must go. We need to be a revolutionary follower of a revolutionary Messiah.
Let's get covered in the dust of Jesus together and we will start this Friday with our new series Guy/Girl Talk starting at 7 pm and going until 9pm in Founder's Hall.
Posted by
A. Clarke
5/06/2008 02:20:00 PM
Funny Commercial
*No humans were harmed in the filming
Posted by
A. Clarke
4/30/2008 05:11:00 PM
Engage culture
This is a wonderful tool for students and parents to engage culture from a Christian perspective. It also has many articles and audio feeds to many common questions about life and faith. I am still making my way through the whole site. http://www.bethinking.org/
Posted by
A. Clarke
4/30/2008 04:54:00 PM
'High School Musical' Reality Show
Who is going to be checking out the new reality show this July? High School Musical returns to TV this summer with Nick Lachey hosting. Who is going to be the next Zac Efron? How many of you are going to be watching?
Posted by
A. Clarke
4/29/2008 10:58:00 AM